Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Who said life wasn't funny....

Good afternoon all....

What gets under my skin you ask lately? Weekdays, need I say more! lol
There never seems to be enough hours in a day.

One of my pet peeves is Women's Bathrooms. Can you say gross! Come on now, we're supposed to be cleaner than men yet our public bathrooms say otherwise. As I sit on the throne or should I say almost sitting, while holding my balance because I don't want my tooch touching the dirty toilet.
  • I am amazed at the amount of people whom write stuff on the walls. You know what I'm talking about: I love so and so, this one is a B**ch and the annoying poems and blah, blah, blah. Then there are the 'I shall blow my nose on the walls kind of people. Yet there's toilet paper right beside them. Any closer and it would bite them in the a**.
  • Nothing is worse than having to use the facilities when your traveling, you walk in and their filthy. On top of which there's paper toilet all over the floors, plenty of water around the sink and you have your daughter with you whom your trying to teach NOT too TOUCH ANYTHING in the public washrooms! lol
  • Another annoying tid-bit about washrooms is the enormous gap between the doors. I mean, can I not have privacy going to the washroom, no I'm having to sit (or crouch) and have some lady staring at me through the huge gap while I pee. Or there's the 'I'm glad I have a girlfriend with me' so she can guard the door while I do my business and wish I was at home to pee or that my bladder could hold more liquids. And I don't need to mention the lack of toilet paper..Urgg

  • Another thing which just makes me laugh is people whom get the wrong number more than once in a span of a few minutes and keep calling you. We all have made the error of calling an incorrect number. It's happens. But it's the people who keep calling, pondering why their number is wrong. When their sure that, that person lived there at some point and time. .

Do they not realize that if they call back in five minutes, it will still be me answering.
    • Then there's the, can I tell you the number I called and we'll see if I simply dialed it wrong scenario.
    • Or, the, I know I called the right number, Hmmm, than another pause, you can almost hear the confusion in their voice.
    • Then there's the 'I'm gonna talk to you for a while caller,' like I have nothing better else to do than talk to a total stranger.

Well...I hope I made you laugh even for just a little while....
Well it's a sunny day, enjoy the warmth on your face, and if you Must use a bathroom I hope it's at your house! lol
Talk soon my friends...
And remember....

Talk soon...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The desire of my heart. ..

What's the most powerful word you know?
Mine is Adoption.

A word which can be a positive or negative one for some.I myself was adopted
at a young age.
I have always felt extremely lucky to have been adopted by my parents. As I mentioned in earlier posts my parents couldn't be the nicest to people you could ever meet. I have never in my 33 years of life ever thought of them as not being my mom and dad. They have given me so much and I truly feel as though perhaps I was born for them and as such for me. They have given me such love and endless possibilities.

As it may have been said many a times, it's not whom has given you birth but the people whom have been beside you when you first spoke your first precious word, whose been supportive of you through thick and thin, whose embraced you countless ways, whose listened to you when you've been dow
n and whose been your biggest fan. I have struggled with mixed emotions of curiosity and at times anger and frustration. The one thing I believe is that adoption belongs on the ordinary continuum of human experience. We all face many obstacles in our lives and the feelings attached to adoption are somewhat personalized. Adoption will mean different emotions throughout one persons life.

Upon learning of the newly adoption laws, I am rushed with mixed emotions once again. Many a times, I have been haunted with the truth of perhaps never knowing whom gave me life than decided to give me up. I do acknowled
ge that we all have faults, we are not perfect and therefore their could be inexplicable answers as to why I was shoved aside yet I still feel at times hurt and angry as to how someone could have given a newly born baby up for adoption. Please do not try to argue with me that I should be happy that they gave me what they thought would be a better life because I am not arguing that fact I am simply owning my own feelings and expressing them how I see fit. I am angry, I'm allowed to be. Feelings such as these don't go away over night. Sadly enough I've experienced these feelings throughout my relationships with others. It is something that marks you for life. I do have issues with people dying and weaving in and out of my life because I will perhaps always have that hurt inside of feeling abandoned.

To be honest I would really like to know if I have siblings whom really look like me. It would be nice to know if we have the same interests, likes and dislikes. It would be kind of exciting to know they never lived that far away from me.
It would be great to know if I came from a big family. The fact of the matter is that it would be great to know lots of stuff but in opening Pandora's box, I would half to face the good and bad things I may not want to come to terms with. It's not an easy conclusion, it's not all it's cut up to be. We've all heard of many reunions with adoptive families which have gone smoothly but I'm sure we've also heard of some reunions going terribly wrong.

The problem I have now is wanting to perhaps no more yet I don't want to hurt my parents feelings. I don't ever want to make them feel as though they were not enough. I don't necessarily want to meet the birth people who gave me life but only meet my siblings, if possible. It's a really hard decision.........

Please feel free to leave comments.....are u in the same situation?
Let me know....

Monday, April 27, 2009

What a wonderful day....

What a gorgeous day outside.

The sun is shining and the clouds are far behind us. I actually got my first sunburn of the summer. (spring) Today Hope and I decided to plant our pansies. A tradition we have since she was born. She helped me pick out the colors of the flowers and was quite happy with herself. I quickly realized that she was having more fun with the garden hose than that of being my little helper. I quickly got a glimpse of what it was like when I as a young girl helping my mother with odds and ends around the house. I also was anxious to help but after a few minutes I was bored and wanted to do something else and left my mother to finish the task at hand. Needless to say I had a good chuckle. My garden is looking better and better. A bit more colorful everyday.
Seeing as this is our first real summer here, when it came to preparing our garden for the winter months I wasn't quite sure what to cut and how to clean m
y garden bed. Hoping I didn't cut to much, this summer I will see what the previous owner planted. So far so good. I have a few tulips blossoming and others that I'm not quite sure what they are as of yet.

Anyone have a clue as of what these are called? Quite pretty! Watching flowers blossom and gardening can bring one such peace and in the midst of their hectic and stressful lives. Creating an area in your yard where you can relax and feel peaceful enough to reflect on ones life and perhaps bring oneself inner peace is a must for everyone. Essentially, what is nice about gardening I have just recently learnt is that it's a hobby in which it awaits for you as well as you wait for it, and it hopefully brings you peace. I can't wait for Mother's Day as this year we are planning a trip to the Tulip festival. This is one of my favorite days, spending it with the two people I love the most! The tulips are just gorgeous.
Here's a few quotes I found pertaining to flowers:

Where flowers bloom so does Hope.

-Lady Bird Johnson,

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.
-Henry Ward Beecher,
Life Thoughts

Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
Luther Burbank

I hope all my fellow Bloggers had a great weekend. On Saturday, my parents came over on Saturday for our first BBQ. The sun was shining in the early morning but yet the clouds came rolling in mid-afternoon. The weather was beautiful so we put up our gazebo up. We enjoyed supper and afterwards decided to have a small bonfire...(we live in the country) Sadly enough, the fire and melting marshmallows on the fire was shortly outlived. As we were laughing and talking, the clouds suddenly became darker and the wind suddenly picked up. You know that feeling where your suddenly aware of something different in the air. At that exact moment, I had a Golden Girls moment, when Sophia tells everyone: "There's a hurricane a comin', there's a hurricane a comin! " and no one believed her. That was a funny episode. It's as though I could hear her saying it... I had a chuckle. Then snapped back into present time.
As you can tell I'm a huge Golden Girls Fan. My fiance laughs at me yet when I watch re-runs he sits and laughs as well. Their timeless. They had a great run, seven years in total. When I need a few laughs I curl up on my couch and bring out the DVDS. The ramblings of Rose were enough to send you into a laughing fit. The Golden girls focused on the relationship between women and and the importance of family. I can watch them over and over again and never get tired of their crazy banter. Their was no violence, nor fowl language, just plain old real humor.

Back to the weekend,
We had just enough time to hose the fire, bring the beverages inside and place a few things underneath our porch so it wouldn't blow away. We rushed inside, closed all the windows and my mother was rushing to have us all downstairs as she was seemingly shaken. My mom hates storms more than most. A severe storm caused damaged through Ottawa. The fierce wind and rain was a lethal combination that night. It only lasted for about 10 more minutes after having rushed into the house. Hope was somewhat apprehensive going to bed that night. With us rushing to come in, I think we may have scared her a bit. But I explained that everything was ok and she fell fast asleep after having played outside all day. Gotta love the warm weather, kids seem to sleep better after a day of playing in the sun!

This week I'm hoping to start Hope's crochet blanket...
So be sure to come back....
Hope all is well with you...
Talk to you soon...
Enjoy the beauty and colorful wonders surrounding you and let the sun shine through!

Friday, April 24, 2009's Friday

What a gorgeous day out there..The sun is shining, there is no wind in sight and I feel relaxed and the house is extremely quiet! I could hear a pin drop. Y you ask....Yesterday we went for a visit at my parents house. And Hope asked if she could have a sleepover at Pepe and Meme's and I thought it would be okay. They had recently gone on a month and a half long trip so she missed them to no avail. She's very close to them, the bond between them is very strong having lived with my parents for a while. My mom and Dad were just saying yesterday that nothing beats seeing those beautiful brown eyes, and her big smile or having those tiny arms wrapped around your neck in a great big hug. I honestly feel as though grandparents make a huge difference in the lives of our children. I was extremely close to my father's grandmother and I believe this has taught me to enjoy working with the aging population.

Before Allen came to pick me up to go back home I put her to bed and she kept coming out of her room and kept saying how she was going to miss me. My heart was full of musch!
I had to reassure her a few times that Mama would miss her too but that she would have fun with them and she is the one that asked to stay over. After a few kisses and more hugs she fastedly fell asleep. On the way home, we felt awkward not having her with us.
This morning I thought I could sleep you think I could? Nope.
I was missing my daughter! lol
So that is why I am kind of out- of- sorts t
But I 'm taking advantage of it and cleaning...puttering around and out of the house.
It's kind of funny when you become parents, that the last
thing on your mind is going out with your husband on a date night. It always seems to be pushed for another weekend. Tonite we should be taking this opportunity to go out but yet we opted to do groceries. You know your parents when....
I must say, that my fiance and I have fun doing just about anything and everything together! Perhaps this is the reason we mesh well together! I know that I have 100% of his heart and thoughts as I do for him. I also think that playfulness in your relationship is a must. For example when we travel...something we do well together...we love laughing and making fun of the towns names as we pass by them....we enjoy laughing during intimate moments. Spending quality alone time with your partner is a must! That is why we try to make time for date night! And what is still great is that I still get that pitter-patter feeling when were together.
After having kids we tend to inhabit the same routines and life simply intervenes which is why we need to take time to enjoy each others company alone as we did in the beginning.

Something we like doing often enough is watching comedies such as:


Here's a few I recommend. Just simple hearted movies. And for the ladies out there, Dane Cook is in the two movies...yes I find his extremely adorable.

Take the time to laugh today!
Have a wonderful weekend....
Enjoy the sunshine.
Take some time to smell the blossoming flowers!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Beware of Smileys....

It's another gloomy day here. As we all know the weather at this time of year is ever so changing, warm and hot one day and cold and rainy the next. The past little while is no exception. My daughter is enjoying our movie matinees in the afternoon. Yesterday was Beauty in the Beast and today she chose Tinkerbell. We cuddle up on the couch with blankets and share popcorn. We have yet to bring her to the movies..I'm not sure how she will fare at the movies, sitting in a seat for an hour or so, being 3 1/2 and all but perhaps this summer we'll try. A few nights ago my fiance painted my toe nails (I know, I'm spoiled by my fiance) and she noticed them yesterday. She asked if her Daddy could do her nails too. It was quite funny, but Daddy said yes and she was sooo happy. Again small things make them so happy at times. Another special Daddy and daughter moment. Like I tell my fiance (I keep going back and forth calling him my we need to cherish these small moments because as they grow up they become more independent and these moments shared are far and few between....Or are they really? I still share special moments with my parents, yet I guess not as many precious one as I was smaller....
I shall now give you more pet peeves of mine... (feel free to send me yours and I'll incorporate them with mine)

My first one is Jeans....I don't understand why clothing designers make jeans that are so long in the legs. My legs are short and all my jeans always need to be shortened. And after buying expensive jeans because (remember if your a little fluffier their more expensive.) Who the hell has the money to get them tailored. And that's a whole other problem in itself. I hate wearing them long because they drag on the ground and your continuously stepping on them. And I can't stand rolling them up and making a cuff. (Not my cup of tea.) A little to farmer for me! And why is it that finding a pair of jeans that fit you well is nearly impossible. Again, my crotch seems like I'm packing something! Urggg! And don't get me started on wide legged pants. And the thing I hate the most is thinking I found the right fit....getting home washing them, wearing them for a few hours, washing them a few more times and then realizing after a few hours they begin to start to fall of my the point of having to wear a belt and even at that you'll find me hiking them up every so often!!!
To my surprise, after going to Addition-Elle, I found a nice sales person willing to listen to my frustrations and voila, I may have found a good pair. And I bought them a size smaller so they wouldn't fall of me....Their is a blink of Hope!! :)

And my second pet peeve of the day is......boring and annoying commercials. You know what I'm talking about. Your trying to watch a really great show or movie and your bombarded by commercials that drive you crazy. I bet you can think of a few which you wish you would never see again, such as the one where the man thinks he's a cat (No meat, No Hubert-Wiskas Cat Food) or that stupi
d one where they sing and should I dare say it in case in pops in your head for the rest of the night..." hands in my pocket, hands in my pocket." Some nights I can't stand them at all, I simply mute them and Allen laughs at me!

Allen and I get a kick out of those funny commercials which recommend you try this new drug and then list all the possible side effects such as diarrhea, dizziness, vomiting and kidney & heart failure, itchy eyes, swelling of the mouth and so on...Like who in their right mind would take these so called new and great drugs to help with a certain problem if your going to half to endure a two page list of side effects. All those commercials have become totally ridiculous yet I entertaining in itself!

As you can tell....I don't take these vents too seriously. I like to laugh and make people laugh with me as you can tell. Sometimes we need to stop taking ourselves to seriously and have a good laugh at our own expense. As I have learned from my father laughter is needed in order to have a good life. Laughter is contagious and it also relieves stress don't you think??? Laughter is the best medicine!

Perhaps if we laughed more we wouldn't be so stressed out, me included!!

Have a gr
eat Night
Share a few laughs

Talk again soon!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesdays Thoughts.....

Welcome again....Hope all is well with you!
her is gloomy and I'm feeling kinda lost in my thoughts today! Pondering the why's and why not's. Wondering how some people can be so clueless and at times down right cold. Do you ever have those days or moments. I sometimes don't understand how some people rational things in their minds and their completely of the mark. I do believe we hurt ourselves by being to emotional and hearts dangling on our sleeves. Should we always be the better person and just ignore our hurt feelings? We cannot make others love us the way we want or need them too and it's heard when you just don't know how to overcome such feelings of distraught.

I'm quite lucky I have found the perfect man, that is the perfect man for me. He is all I've ever dreamed of. A man who is un-selfish, loving, caring, funny, passionate and extremely understanding to a fault. Life seems so much better when the person standing beside you is on your side, not behind or ahead but beside you. It's great when you can go for a Sunday drive with each other and find pleasure and comfort knowing he's the one who shares your hopes and dreams, your secrets and knows some of your annoying habits yet would still rather be no places else then right beside you! My heart flows with unconditional love each time I see him walk in the house from a days work, or when he's standing across the room and he winks at me. Every morning, for over5 years, before he leaves from work, he kisses my forehead goodbye. These little things we do for each other are so simple yet I believe captured moments such as these should be treasure and never taken for granted. We only have one life and therefore should cherish every moment, simple or Grand. I enjoy reminiscing with my husband about the first few days we met because I believe it was the start of our long love affair and it reminds us why we fell in love with each other. Those days a far gone yet I remember how he made me feel that night. I remember exactly how I felt when he caressed my face and when we shared our first kiss. He is part of why my life feels so enriched and full of love.

The second part of my life which brings me such joy is my beautiful daughter whom fills me with such happiness everyday! To know her is to love her. Hope is a wonderful child with a bright future ahead of her. She is my very own bright star. She is ever so kind, passionate as well as compassionate, she's funny, intelligent and we have such great moments together. Mother and daughter bonds are strong. Being a new mother and having your own daughter is one of the most enriching experiences in a women's life. How do you describe the love you feel for your child. The moment you lay eyes on your new baby, it's love at first sight. And the love grows stronger each day. Sometimes I catch myself looking at her and I have a glimpse of how I was as a child. You look into their eyes and see so much love and innocence which at times saddens me because I feel as thought at times I have lost that innocence and the pure pleasure of simple things. But somehow in each new adventure/achievement she comes across I feel her joy and it reawakens me to the beauty in the ordinary all over again. I think at times we often watch our kids from the sidelines instead of joining them such as running in the grass with no shoes, running through puddles, blowing bubbles and so forth.

I think at times we all have days that we feel a little down but if you look around I'm sure their is always someone close for whom can make you smile such as your husband/kids/family. Life is full of ups and downs but it's what you make of it that can help you grow stronger!

I hope everyone is having a great start to the week....
Hope love is never that far from you...
Smile knowing there is someone, somewhere thinking of you!
See you soon!

If your in the mood for a great listen...Check out this talented man, I just heard of him yesterday and I think he's a brilliant piano player. Very full of emotion.
His name is Yiruma, the song is 'River Flows In You', it's fantastic!
He's on 'You Tube'

Source 4 the 3Hearts
Source 4 the

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Addicted to granny Squares....

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I myself have a confession....
Please bare with me in my moment of weakness!! lol
I have found myself addicted to granny Squares! They are so easy to make in such little time. And I am finding out that you can make almost anything and everything with them. I have found Granny Square hand bags, purses, scarfs, quilt like blankets, hats and much more. As I am still a new to crochet, all of these things are simply making me smile and marvel at the endless wonders of possibilities. I am also finding it hard to figure out what to make next.
Is this common to Neebies or all crochet enthusiasts?

So, I recently found a great site which explains photo by photo how to make these lovely squares...

As I mentioned earlier on, I actually learnt crochet from ' You tube.' You can learn how to practically make every stitch on your time and the good thing is the pause button and What a great way to spend your time making these squares. Not sure if I'll get tired of doing them soon! I've also learnt through trial and error, you learn more things and simply get better at watching for your mistakes. And it's really easy to unravel and start over again. It's not something that makes me lose my patience and get frustrated!!

Did you recently hear about the 98 yrs old lady who had to endure 30 some hours underneath her collapsed house? My heart goes out to Italy's Earthquake fam
ilies and survivors. When asked what she did to pass the time she mentioned how she did crochet. Hook in one hand and wool in the other! People of all ages like to crochet. I am just sad that I wasn't introduced to this wonderful art earlier. I keep searching for new patterns yet still haven't begun to finish my project at hand!

As a beginner, I am wishing for the day, I have an abundance of yarn in a large container/basket!

Perhaps this will come true soon enough!! I am presently in the middle of making my very first Granny Square blanket. I feel so proud of myself. And I am secretly enjoying creating stackes of squares and counting them as the pile gets higher and higher, as is Hope, she enjoys placing them on the table and counting them over and over again. Just this morning she said: Mama great job! these are pretty!
These squares are quite easy for beginners rather than trying your hand at a blanket which I have been trying to figure out for a few weeks. I have also found that if you ask people question about their patterns they usually reply. This community of crochet enthusiast is quite helpfull. This is my star I've been trying to enlarge with no luck!!
Perhaps I should pray to the star Gods! lol

I wish I could figure it out but when I attempt to make it bigger, the six points then to curl up. I'm not sure why. I've tried unravelling it and trying what the lady told me to try but no such luck! I really love stars so I thought I would make this my first blanket. Ya, not gonna happen, for now!! My granny Square blanket is going well so I will be happy to see it done soon! Perhaps it's the yarn I'm using or the size of the hook...I'll try finding another pattern!

Back to my Super addictive squares.....
these are a few more squares I have made while watching television with my fiance, Allen. He finds it funny watching me crochet and enjoyit as much as I do...But he knows how much I enjoy all types of crafts. It started as an innocent past time, something to do instead of stuffing my mouth at night...and now I wouldn't mind seeing crochet all around the house! I keep finding cool patterns to make, such as a star scarf, reversible swiffer sock, camera pouch, great colourful bag....I am hooked!!

I was anxious of getting a summer blanket together but when I went to buy yarn I simply bought any color that I liked because I didn't know what I really wanted to make at that point and time. So sadly enough, (yeah right! I'm jumping with joy!)I will need to get back to the store to buy more summer colors: yellow, red , orange, light blue, greens...Any excuse to go back to the yarn store and buy more yarn is a good thing! It 's kind of funny that all the squares above are of the same pattern yet look somewhat different. And I thought at first that I would only be able to make a few square with only four colors yet their are many possibilities to change up every square.... I'm learning things everyday!

And as I mentioned earlier, never waste your project or give up! Before unravelling your project see what else you could make with it. Even though my star blanket is at a hault, I thought of making a few more of the stars, attaching them and possibly hanging them up in my daughters room, as she also likes stars. That's my tip of the day!

I recently had a good laugh, I kept reading about people de-frogging their crochet projects and for the life of me couldn't figure out what they were talking about...until I did some research of my own... (haha)
Frogging is simply that of taking your crochet project apart and fixing your mistakes... You simply 'rip it- rip it'... (Get it)
Here's a good joke for ya....
Crochet is a hobby which is very satisfying and relaxing and keeps you Going...Sadly enough for your husband it keeps you going to Walmart, Going to Zellers, Going to Micheals, Going to your favorite yarn store!!!!

Hope you have a great week.... See you soon... Remember take time to crochet at least one Granny Square....

I will apologize now for my spelling mistakes..and my overuse of (............) and change of color text...I love colors...
No one is perfect ! hahaha


What happened last night.....

I had a real bad feeling after the first game between the Habs and Boston... After that first Boston goal, I knew this would be a somewhat not-that-great series to watch for the Habs!
Bruins now take the series 2-0! Can they regroup and make a come back? A win last night would
have certainly given the team some momentum going back to their hometown. It would be nice to hear the chanting of Na-na-na, Na-na-na, Hey hey hey goodbye to the bruins at least once in this series! The Habs need to start playing their own game and not Boston's brand of hockey. The second period is when you started seeing every go south. And the third period, we'll put it this way I was television surfing...I was that annoyed. In the next game they'd better come out swinging, I want to see them use their speed and DEFENSE!!!!
They fought hard enough to get in the playoffs, might as well show some HEART!! Come on now, they need to play like a team who wants to win!!

That's pretty much all I will say on this topic... :(
Hope your having a great start to Sunday!
Here the sun is shinning....

My daughter is even starting to enjoy watching hockey...
OK, I know she's only three and only sits there for a few minutes but I will make her a fan someday, little by little!! lol
The only problem whom will she cheer for my team or her fathers (the sens)??
Only time will tell....Watch her not like hockey at all....