Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tired all the time....

Oh my God.....
I don't remember being this tired the first time around. Can someone wake me up after the first trimester!! I wake up, get Hope some breakfast, watch a few cartoons and I'm already wishing for my first nap of the day. Wishful thinking. lol
For those who have kids, who no longer enjoy naps, enjoying some rest time for ourselves is nearly impossible. And it seems as though the 'Y's (1001 questions of the day) from our kids are every 5 seconds...AHHHHHHH

My daughter's been extremely mushy
these last few days, not sure if it's because we told her she's gonna be a big sister or simply because she's in a loving mood! She's been rubbing my belly and saying how big it's getting ( I'm only a month into it) hahahaha She's also been singing it songs and talking to my belly already! She is so funny! Very sensitive and kind-hearted girl. She makes me proud on a daily basis. Today she told me that she was very happy that I let her come out of my belly. I had to giggle and told her she was very welcome and that I wouldn't have it any other way!!!

I'm extremely happy these days....life seems to bring you surprises when you most need them . (hope that kinda made sense!) I feel very blessed to be able to bring another life into this world.
This will be my shortest posts.....Too tired lol
Will be
back 2morrow....
talk again soon...

P.s Hope to hear from other expectant mothers....
If they haven't fallen asleep at their computers...lol

(like my new signature = pregant)

Ta ta for now!