Friday, April 27, 2012

A little bit of Hope....

Hi all...It's been a while...

Things are a bit different these days. I have decided to take life by the horns and figure out how to take my passions of working with my hands and give back to the world. Being a stay-at-home Mom is wonderful....raising my kids is the best job and will always be a the front of the line but I also needed to find something that would occupy my needs as a women and not as a parent of two beautiful children. (hope that made sense) 
While searching for my wedding flowers online, I stumbled upon these breathtaking paper flowers called Kusudama. They originate from ancient Japanese culture, where they were used for incense/potpourri. The word itself means 'medecine ball.' I found them to be so beautiful that I learnt how to make them and VOILA!  I've decided to start selling them. They make the perfect gifts, home decor and embellish any event your planning. 

Come Check them out on my page on Facebook: weathered paper and tell me what you think. 'Like' the page. My website will be shortly running as well. I can ship to most places. They come in all colors under the sun, any ribbon, button, acrylic gem in the middle. They are simply a work of art If I do say so myself.

 This is now taking over my life little by little, in a good way. Making me feel like I'm contributing more. I also do weddings, big and small. If interested please send me a message on Facebook. 

I'm getting married this summer. My daughter is very excited. She says: 'because she gets to be the flower girl and dance with Mommy all night.' I finished my bridesmaids bouquets, starting on my own soon. And did I tell you I'm making the table centerpieces. Flowers everywhere around the house. These flowers are great for me because I tend to destroy the real flowers I get!  lol    

I still think CANCER SUCKS!!!! My mom is doing okay these days, still tired most of the time.  But she is looking better than I imagined she would at this point. You never know what's going to happen. She is truly my best friend. I do feel sad at times...we get on the phone..I ramble and think, this is really not important. You seem to see life a bit different when someone you adore has Cancer. Some of the things that were important to you don't seem to be as significant. Really makes you think about the close people beside you. I tend to be more aware of what can be taken away from you at any point in time. It seems as I get older, more people around me are falling prey to these terrible sicknesses. 

Well....I'll stop here for now. Hope all is well with you. And most definitely if you'd like to talk  with me...message me. Hope to see you on my flower page. 
Have a wonderful day!

Just before hitting the publish button...I noticed how I wrote Kusudama 'medicine ball'.
Finding these flowers was perhaps the best medicine for me at this point in my life. I needed something to occupy my thoughts and something to give me a little bit of Hope. Now, my days are filled with taking care of my handsome little boy and making flowers and not just about the sadness around me. Life is full of surprises!!!
Keep your eyes never know when one is going to pop up!!!

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