Monday, April 27, 2009

What a wonderful day....

What a gorgeous day outside.

The sun is shining and the clouds are far behind us. I actually got my first sunburn of the summer. (spring) Today Hope and I decided to plant our pansies. A tradition we have since she was born. She helped me pick out the colors of the flowers and was quite happy with herself. I quickly realized that she was having more fun with the garden hose than that of being my little helper. I quickly got a glimpse of what it was like when I as a young girl helping my mother with odds and ends around the house. I also was anxious to help but after a few minutes I was bored and wanted to do something else and left my mother to finish the task at hand. Needless to say I had a good chuckle. My garden is looking better and better. A bit more colorful everyday.
Seeing as this is our first real summer here, when it came to preparing our garden for the winter months I wasn't quite sure what to cut and how to clean m
y garden bed. Hoping I didn't cut to much, this summer I will see what the previous owner planted. So far so good. I have a few tulips blossoming and others that I'm not quite sure what they are as of yet.

Anyone have a clue as of what these are called? Quite pretty! Watching flowers blossom and gardening can bring one such peace and in the midst of their hectic and stressful lives. Creating an area in your yard where you can relax and feel peaceful enough to reflect on ones life and perhaps bring oneself inner peace is a must for everyone. Essentially, what is nice about gardening I have just recently learnt is that it's a hobby in which it awaits for you as well as you wait for it, and it hopefully brings you peace. I can't wait for Mother's Day as this year we are planning a trip to the Tulip festival. This is one of my favorite days, spending it with the two people I love the most! The tulips are just gorgeous.
Here's a few quotes I found pertaining to flowers:

Where flowers bloom so does Hope.

-Lady Bird Johnson,

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.
-Henry Ward Beecher,
Life Thoughts

Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
Luther Burbank

I hope all my fellow Bloggers had a great weekend. On Saturday, my parents came over on Saturday for our first BBQ. The sun was shining in the early morning but yet the clouds came rolling in mid-afternoon. The weather was beautiful so we put up our gazebo up. We enjoyed supper and afterwards decided to have a small bonfire...(we live in the country) Sadly enough, the fire and melting marshmallows on the fire was shortly outlived. As we were laughing and talking, the clouds suddenly became darker and the wind suddenly picked up. You know that feeling where your suddenly aware of something different in the air. At that exact moment, I had a Golden Girls moment, when Sophia tells everyone: "There's a hurricane a comin', there's a hurricane a comin! " and no one believed her. That was a funny episode. It's as though I could hear her saying it... I had a chuckle. Then snapped back into present time.
As you can tell I'm a huge Golden Girls Fan. My fiance laughs at me yet when I watch re-runs he sits and laughs as well. Their timeless. They had a great run, seven years in total. When I need a few laughs I curl up on my couch and bring out the DVDS. The ramblings of Rose were enough to send you into a laughing fit. The Golden girls focused on the relationship between women and and the importance of family. I can watch them over and over again and never get tired of their crazy banter. Their was no violence, nor fowl language, just plain old real humor.

Back to the weekend,
We had just enough time to hose the fire, bring the beverages inside and place a few things underneath our porch so it wouldn't blow away. We rushed inside, closed all the windows and my mother was rushing to have us all downstairs as she was seemingly shaken. My mom hates storms more than most. A severe storm caused damaged through Ottawa. The fierce wind and rain was a lethal combination that night. It only lasted for about 10 more minutes after having rushed into the house. Hope was somewhat apprehensive going to bed that night. With us rushing to come in, I think we may have scared her a bit. But I explained that everything was ok and she fell fast asleep after having played outside all day. Gotta love the warm weather, kids seem to sleep better after a day of playing in the sun!

This week I'm hoping to start Hope's crochet blanket...
So be sure to come back....
Hope all is well with you...
Talk to you soon...
Enjoy the beauty and colorful wonders surrounding you and let the sun shine through!

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